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Landlord Works

Landlord Works
cdt. Commercial Interiors

Our experts help landlords enhance commercial real estate value

The needs of tenants have changed dramatically in recent years, with many re-evaluating what they want from a workspace.

Whether the building is being refurbished entirely, partially, or only in the common areas, we focus on identifying the best solution for your asset.

cdt. Commercial Interiors

A helping hand to attract the right tenants

Our approach is simple yet effective. We design spaces with your ideal tenants in mind, enhancing the attractiveness of your property and ensuring it aligns perfectly with the needs of the tenants you desire.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you provide 'Planned Preventative Maintenance'?

Yes! We provide a PPM service to landlords nationwide ensuring sure that regulations are adhered to and everything is in tiptop shape.

As planned preventative maintenance encompasses such a broad scope of professional services, the best starting point is to give us a call to see how and when we can help.

I need a dilapidation. Can you help?

Yes! We successfully carry out dilapidations and lease expiry work continuously throughout the year as it's a popular service.

We understand time is of the essence; this is why our quick reaction time really comes into play to ensure we hit your deadline and highest expectations.

What about regulations?

Our commitment to safety and regulatory compliance is paramount. In accordance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations of 2015, we meticulously adhere to established protocols and guidelines throughout every phase of our projects.


Here is just a taste of landlord works projects we've had the pleasure of working on.

Landlord Works

Let's discuss your landlord works requirements

01924 654154